Monday, January 21, 2013

Water Consumption

I was doing a little exploring on innovation ideas for another marketing class of mine and I came across this video, which I thought would be fun to share. This idea was the winning entry in the "Innovate or Die" contest put on by Google and Specialized. The concept of this challenge was to build a pedal powered machine that has environmental impact. 

When watching this video, it made me realize how much I take our clean water for granted. We are so fortunate to have water so easily accessible, which many areas around the world don't have. 

In my Ecological Footprint I mentioned I wanted to reduce the amount of water I use but didn't state specific details of how I'm going to do so. Here are a couple of specific ideas on how I want to reduce my water consumption:

  • When washing dishes, instead of letting the water run while rinsing, I'm going to fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. 
  • Always turn off the bathroom faucet when brushing my teeth.
  • I'm only going to start the washing machine when there is a full load of laundry in.
  • Reduce my showers by 3 mins.

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