Living on One is a documentary created by 2 college student buddies, along with their 2 filmmaker friends (Western Alumni's) who set off to to rural Guatemala and live on one dollar a day for two months.
It amazes me how many people all over the world are sitting on stacks of money, with no value or purpose to them, when just a minuscule fraction of that can make such a difference in someones life. I read many success stories on how micro financing change these peoples' lives and how their business ventures lifted them out of poverty.
When watching these videos, it made me really reflect on my life and solidified my thoughts on how lucky we are to have access to all the resources that we have. Shelter, water, food, electricity, and education are just a few resources I take advantage of daily. I think about how my life would be if I were to live on only $1 a day and I can't even picture it. I think it's time for me to start consuming less and live a more efficient lifestyle.
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