Sunday, February 24, 2013

Footprint Update!

I reduced my ecological footprint by .3 earths!

And how did I do this you ask? Well, I first implemented my original goals of:
  • Turning down my heat at night from around 68-70 degrees to about 62-64 degrees,
  • Plugging my electronic devices into power strips and turning those off when they are not in use,
  • and changing my eating/buying patterns to more organic, locally grown food and by dining out less.
Then implemented my new and revised goals of:
  • Reducing my showers by 3 minutes, and
  • Limiting the number of times I drive down to Seattle on the weekends (used to travel down south every other weekend, now I go maybe once a month)
*** New Goal for the rest of the quarter:
  • Stop buying plastic water bottles and always remember to bring and use my re-fillable cup.

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